Work in Mexico

What you need to get a job in Mexico 馃憠

To get a formal job in Mexico you must first have some basic documents, which must be obtained in the following order.


1First of all, you should begin the process of obtaining legal immigration status in Mexico, whether that be at COMAR or the INM.

  • Once you begin the process, you will receive a document that proves you are on your way to obtaining legal status.
  • If you have already begun this process and have proof of this or you have received a card for being a visitor for humanitarian reasons, temporary residency or permanent residency, you can skip ahead to the following step聽

2Obtain your CURP from the INM. For more information on how to obtain your CURP, read our page “Get your CURP and RFC”

3In the same way you can obtain your social security registration, you can also obtain your RFC quickly via the internet. For more information on how to obtain your RFC, read our page “Get your CURP and RFC”


Once you have your identifying immigration document, your CURP, your social security number and your RFC, you will have the basic documentation that you need to obtain formal employment in Mexico



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