Work in Mexico

Documents You need 馃憠

In addition to personal documents like copies of identifications and proof of address, in order to aspire to a certain job, you should have two important documents.

  • Job application: This is a pre-established form that you can buy at any paper store where you will fill in information about yourself, your job history and your schooling. Click here to download.聽
  • R茅sum茅 or CV:聽This document is totally of your own creation and it contains the most relevant aspects about you and what you have done. It serves as a letter of introduction of sorts for prospective employers.

  • NOTE: In addition to the work application, some Jobs request other documents that must be processed with the government; in some cases, the lack of these documents can affect your ability to obtain the job. This does not mean that in all possible jobs these other documents will be required, but you should ask which documents you need for each job.