Ask for asylum

Where can I request asylum 馃憠

People who request asylum are foreigners who are afraid for their life, liberty or safety if they return to their country of origin, because of persecution based on their race, religion, nationality, gender, membership in a particular social group or because of their political opinions, or they are victims of generalized violence in their country of origin. Where can I request asylum? Where do I submit my asylum application? COMAR (Mexican Commission of Assistance to Refugees), or to the INM in areas where there are no COMAR offices. Where are the COMAR offices located? COMAR

Versalles 49, Col. Ju谩rez, Alc. Cuauht茅moc, C.P. 06600,

M茅xico, D.F. Tel. 01 (55) 5209 8800 ext. 30133

COMAR Acayucan, Veracruz:

Carretera Costera del Golfo No. 180, Km. 221 C.P. 96000,

Acayucan, Veracruz.

Tels. 01 (624) 247 91 91 01 (55) 5209 8800 ext. 37062


COMAR Ciudad Ju谩rez, Chihuahua:

Av. Francisco Villa y c. Malec贸n S/N, Col. Centro, C.P. 32000

COMAR Guadalajara, Jalisco:

Jes煤s Garc铆a 720, ingreso por Mariano B谩rcena 820,

Col. Artesanos, Zona Centro, C.P. 44200.

COMAR Monterrey, Nuevo Le贸n:聽

Calle 21 de Marzo No. 2230,

Sierra Ventana (Fomerrey 77) C.P. 64790. y

COMAR Santillo, Coahuila:聽

Libramiento 贸scar Flores Tapia S/N, KM 1.5,

Av. Loma Alta, Arteaga, Coahuila, C.P. 25350, Bodega N.

COMAR Tapachula, Chiapas:聽

Centro de registro:

2a. Avenida Sur 156, Los Naranjos, San Sebasti谩n, C.P. 30790.

Oficina para firmas y seguimiento:

4a. Poniente 39, entre 8 y 10 Sur, Col. Centro.

COMAR Palenque, Chiapas:聽

Carretera Playas de Catazaja-Ocosingo

Km. 26 A + 100. Col. Guayacan 916.

Tel. 916 345 3035 ext. 8288206

COMAR Tenosique, Tabasco:聽

Calle 2 S/N, esquina calle 55.

Col. Pueblo Nuevo (Frente a tanque de agua elevado) Tel. 934 688 0404

COMAR Tijuana, Baja California:聽

Av. Venustiano Carranza 6250,

Colonia Castillo, C贸digo Postal 22050

Tel. 55 8055 9208

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